1 Mar 2021
Are you sitting comfortably?

Ever since the global financial
crisis (GFC) when Lehman’s
failed, central banks have
been trying to accelerate
economic recovery by various
“quantitative easing” means,
which in simple terms
collectively amounted to
printing money.

22 Feb 2021
Coin Toss

While we expect that
cryptocurrencies will
become more mainstream
over the coming years,
we’ve never held Bitcoin in
portfolios, nor do we have
any plans to include it

1 Feb 2021
Emerging Opportunities

We see a rotation into
value sectors and regions
as offering the best longer
term recovery potential, and
emerging markets today
merit increasing attention
as part of your overall
portfolio construct

18 Jan 2021
An Industry In Constant Evolution

A key pillar of our philosophy at Momentum is exceptional client service; our investment staff are acutely aware that investing is a journey, and helping clients to remain invested through times of extreme uncertainty is often the most valuable service advisors can provide for their clients

10 Jan 2021
Monthly Viewpoint – December 2020

Returns in 2020 of 16% from global developed world equities, 18% from emerging markets, and 10% from global government bonds (all in USD terms) mask the enormous turmoil wrought by the coronavirus pandemic and the scale of its economic, financial and human damage:

14 Dec 2020
Scotched Eggs

There are signs of life
on the high street and
hope for 2021 with
the vaccine rollout
gathering pace just five
weeks after the first
vaccine discovery was






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